Category Archives: Yoga News

The importance of balanced Kidneys – affecting your immune system and strenght

Look after your Kidnerys TCM

The Kidneys as seen in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) are so important!  They house your life energy or your Jing or your “Essence”.  This Ying is stored in your Kidneys and is the material basis for all kinds of functional activities and is responsible for your growth and your development. It is believed you get […]

Why Yoga Teachers Should Learn Bodywork Basics

Part of being a yoga teacher is inspiring and informing your students about how best to deepen their asana practice. Often, this involves placing your hands on a person to gently ease or encourage their body into a pose. Sometimes hands-on adjustments correct alignment, or invite more depth. Other times the touch is simply to […]

4 – 4 Breathing Technique for more Energy – Kundalini Yoga

4-4 Breath Kundalini

4-4 Energizing Breath Benefits of this breathing technique This is a powerful energy booster when you have only a few minutes. It will quickly rejuvenate your body and spirit and calm your mind. This  Kundalini Yoga exercise will relax and energize you. It will as well help you when you feel overwhelmed with emotions. Try […]