Author Archives: Ilse Sobering

9 MIN Energizing Breathwork Meditation Uplifting Affirmations for Empowerment

InnerPower Breath Session This short breathwork session will lift your mood and empower you. In this session you will use the power of your own breath to feel great. Starting with gentle in and exhale. Go along with the music. Instructions Breathwork session Make sure you are comfortable. Start breathing in and out. Breathe either […]

Learn more about the meridian points! PC 6 point massage it for relief of insomnia, stress, nausea

PC 6 acupressure or acupuncture point I am sharing in this new video a trick. By stimulating a particular point on your arm, you can get  get rid of nausea or motion sickness! It really helps when pregnant as well! But stimulating this PC6 meridian point helps you as well to become more relaxed especially […]

Direct stress relief – short circular breathing exercise for an instant calm and peaceful feeling

Circular breathing or the connected breathing involves consciously taking deep breaths without pausing in between. There are various ways in which this is used. This type of breathwork is often the case that this circular breathing is often used in breathing sessions and breathing circles. During these breathing sessions, the instruction is often that you […]

5 Frequently Asked Questions about Manifesting and the Law of Attraction -Update

5 questions about Manifesting and the Law of Attraction Since I have been organizing workshops on manifesting and the law of attraction, I have been getting more and more questions about this. The most frequently asked question is what exactly is manifesting. Funny how it works when you’re working on a subject a lot yourself. […]